Ps Harley & Ruthie Byrne
Senior Pastors
Ps Harley & Ruthie followed the call of God to move from Western Australia to Ballarat in 2011. They are passionate about building God’s kingdom, developing people and missions. Both are gifted musicians and Ruthie has a strong prophetic gifting on her life. Harley and Ruthie have two children Samantha and Noah. 
Tim & Kailey Weatherstone
Associate Pastors
Tim & Kailey responded to God’s call in early 2020, by moving their family of 4 from Port Macquarie NSW to Ballarat VIC. They have 16 years experience across Youth Ministry, Creative Ministry & Young Adults, have a strong pastoral gift and are passionate about discipling others to discover & walk in their God-given call, using the unique gifts God has blessed them with.
Chris & Paula Glynn
Connect Groups
Chris & Paula have been involved in ministry for over 25 years, and have three adult children of their own. They have a desire to see every believer in God’s calling for their lives. With Paula’s background in teaching and Chris’ love of all things fun, they make a great team!  


We believe everyone is called to a relationship with Jesus Christ and it all starts with Him rescuing us from our broken sinful lives. We call this salvation, because Jesus saves us from the eternal consequences of the sins we’ve committed against God. We’re also called to serve God wholeheartedly, seeing every day as an opportunity to bless others with what we have.

Whether it’s a call to work a job, be a stay at home parent, reach out to people overseas or play drums in a band, we believe everyone has a unique purpose that God has called them to. Commissioning is what releases us into a life of serving God in our unique call when we discover, within community, the gifting and function that the Holy Spirit has given to each one.

Everyone who starts a new life with Jesus needs to be coached in His ways. Values such as faith, hope, and love are at the core of who we are as followers of Christ. Coaching involves close fellowship with others to enable learning in how to live by faith, be filled with hope, and walk in love.

What We Believe

  • The one true and living God who eternally exists in three persons in unity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • The Divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scripture.
  • The original perfection of creation; the inherent corruptness of humanity through the Fall; the necessity of repentance and regeneration by grace and through faith in Christ alone, and the eternal separation from God of the finally unrepentant.
  • The virgin Birth, sinless life atoning death, triumphant Resurrection, ascension and continuing intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Second Coming, and eternal Kingdom reign.
  • The justification and sanctification of believers through the finished work of Christ, their security as they remain in Him, and their future resurrection in an incorruptible body.
  • The Sacrament of Baptism by immersion, and of the Lord’s Supper.
  • The baptism of the Holy Spirit for believers with supernatural signs, empowering the Church for its mission in the world.
  • The gifts of the Holy Spirit for the building up of the Church and ministry to the world.
  • Christ’s leadership of the Church through the ascension ministries of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, for the unity, maturity and growth of the Church.
  • The privilege and responsibility of wise stewardship of all that God has given, including the practice of tithing to the local church.